中共外交代表粗暴阻止 英美德瑞典等国代表坚决支持
(上图)9月26日西班牙人权律师Carlos Iglésias在联合国第24届人权会议现场发言:“江泽民在1999年4月政治局会议发言中明确提出的三条严格指示:在名誉上搞臭他们(法轮功修炼者),在经济上搞垮他们,在肉体上消灭他们。”(图片/大纪元) |
他同时还表示:前加拿大政府亚太司长大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour)和人权大律师大卫‧马塔斯(David Matas)所做的活摘器官独立调查报告,提供了中共强摘活人器官的线索和可靠证据,并要求联合国对法轮功学员器官被活摘事件做彻底调查和制止这一暴行。
中共代表用摆放在会议桌上的写有国家名称的牌子拍打桌子和手,粗暴无理地要求会议主席亨克泽尔先生停止Carlos Iglésias发言,而美国(2次)、英国(2次)、法国(2次)、爱尔兰、捷克、瑞典、德国、挪威、爱沙尼亚、荷兰等十个国家驻联合国代表对中共做法相当不满,纷纷发言表示坚决支持Carlos Iglésias的发言。会议主席亨克泽尔先生赞同Carlos Iglésias继续发言。
2011年9月18日,在联合国人权理事会主席拉瑟瑞(Laura Dupuy Lasserre)女士主持的9月18日联合国人权理事会大会上,全球《大纪元》总编辑郭君女士、国际教育发展组织的首席代表帕克(Karen Parker)博士提出了对中共活摘法轮功学员器官的指控,国际各国及国际非政府组织人权代表对此信息深感震惊。
西班牙人权律师Carlos Iglésias的发言稿
让我们来推动一项预防和惩治这些犯罪集团并最终能惩治那些实施犯罪者的国际公约。前加拿大亚太司长David Kilgour和大律师David Matas所做的独立调查报告不仅仅提供了中国在活人身上强摘器官可怕罪行的线索,还提供了可证实的证据。
欧洲议会副主席McMillan-Scott先生和联合国反酷刑报告员Manfred Nowak先生都公开要求国际社会对这类可怕罪行进行调查。
The United Towns Agency For North and South Cooperation is deeply concerned about the situation of human rights in China, especially the discrimination and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners .We would like to call upon OHCHR and the Human Rights Council to offer technical assistance to People’s Republic of China in the field of human rights. In my capacity as a lawyer of the victims of genocide that exists in China since 1999, I would like to make this following statement. Owing to the persecution of millions of innocent people for their spiritual beliefs and the direct knowledge of the evidence available and which have been presented to the National Court of Spain as well as to the Chinese judicial system.
In 1999,the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, organized and designed an entire strategy of extermination against tens of thousands of people, practitioners of Falun Gong spiritual teaching.
In a speech to the Polit Bureau in April 1999, Jiang Zemin gave these three very strict instructions and I quote: “Slander them, bankrupt them financially and physically eliminate them." (End of quote) In this way arrests, detention in labour camps, torture and murder of thousands of innocent people began.
Falun Gong practitioners detained in labor camps in China are used as a live organ bank. This organ trafficking and the sale of organs to foreigners who travel to China to get body parts from undeclared bodies or from illegal sources has generated $billion revenues. Up to $150,000 is paid for livers, kidneys, hearts and corneas of eyes from living people who are killed in the process of removal of these organs.
Spain, with the collaboration of the ONT (National Organ Transplant Association), introduced in 2010 in its Criminal Code, a new offence to prosecute illegal organ trafficking and ONT itself has denounced a Spanish citizen that has publicized his liver transplant in China after paying up to $130,000 Action. Promote legal changes globally and in each of their countries to prosecute and punish the crimes of illegal organ trafficking as did Spain in 2010. Promote a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of these crimes organs, and finally seek justice against the criminals.
Independent reports made by former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour and Lawyer David Matas, provide not only clues but verifiable evidence of such terrible crimes of harvesting organs from living persons in China. (See Free Internet link: http://organharvestinvestigation.net)
The Vice - President of the European Parliament Mr. McMillan -Scott and the United Nations
Rapporteur on Torture, Mr. Manfred Nowak openly requested an investigation by the international community of these terrible crimes,
I appeal to the international community and to the High Commissioner of Human Rights to expose the truth about the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship and its crimes against humanity, while also call to action for an independent investigation and encourage them to investigate the terrible crime of large scale editorial suppression of live organ harvesting in China.
(来源: 大纪元2013年09月27日)
- 辽宁朝阳市委书记王明玉最新密令曝光:打击法轮功“只打只干不说” (影印文件)